Sunday, May 24, 2009

My letter to the god

Dear oh my GOD,
I am one of the souls in your creation. Your Generation is really amazing. I have a little concern about your Operations and Destroying the things in this universe.

Hey GOD, my straight questions to you.
“Why are you creating people with sorrows?” and “why are you creating physically challenged ones?”. Please answer these 2 questions.

“Tomorrow never dies, this is fine but why you are killing my yesterday”, I want my yesterday also immortal. Could you please make it? I know you will not.
I am a small creature in this universe with limited life time. But in reality only ¼ th of the life time I can enjoy the nature. Child hood, Sleep, facing the problems, passing them,….etc will consume 3/4th of the life time.
This creation is according to you only, we don’t know the reason why you gave very less life time to the humans (Don’t compare with small animals which are having even very less life time…..I am comparing mind maturity with life time, Even though the human being is intelligent animal on this earth, it is impossible for him/her to increase his/her life span with his/her intelligence, it is useless in this case)
You created human beings and you know their activities, each and every activity that they are doing and you only are making them to do those activities then why the mistakes are happening and why the problems and sorrows are coming into picture in human life?

But still I love you because you have given the life to my soul. Other wise I couldn’t have seen this beautiful world.

I like the dancing peacock in rain start
I like the flow of water through the forest, hills and valleys
I like the smiling face of an innocent baby.
I like the birds singing in forest especially Mina (koila).
I like the sparrows that use to live in our hut.
I like the stories that my grand mother told
I like the rain bow that comes before raining.
I like the breeze that comes from flower buds in the early morning and evenings.
I like the sun rise
I like the waves coming from the middle of the see
I like the moon light on full moon day.
I like the fishing in a river with my father and brother
I like the games (kites, goli, ball, koti kommachi, gilli karra, skipping…so many) that I played with friends
I like the movies that I saw with my dad & brother.
I like the girl that I first hated.


I thought that you would have given same kind of life to everybody, but why are you so cruel in doing so.

I saw a small kid running for food, I saw another kid begging for water. I even saw a kid died of hungry & thirsty.

A little boy of below 10 yrs with no flesh in his body (only bones were appearing) was trying to have some water, as there is scarcity of water in that area, the boy dig the earth and having that mud water. He was almost died of hunger and thirst, on the other hand one vulture was watching from 2 meters away from him and awaiting his death. What a pathetic situation it was?

What kind of Operating and destroying that you are doing? What is wrong with those innocent kids, I thought of seeing smile in their faces, instead they are getting destroyed by you. Why the hell (not the heaven) that you created them?

I am a small piece on this earth, I don’t know how many people are suffering from lack of food & water. If you are not able to provide them the food and water, Please don’t create such souls.

I don’t understand why you are creating blind people. They are also human beings and want to enjoy your nature. Among all other handicapped people, these are the people who can’t see the nature and their surroundings. Everything is dark for them and they don’t even know how they look like, so pity.

*A human being for them is as if you are for the human beings.

Oh God, Please show some mercy on blind people.

Yours loving soul,



  1. It's really heartbreaking seeing hungry kids....Each and everyone should try to help the needy in a way or other.

  2. Miserable feelings.....

