Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dream, the fuel of human vehicle

Basically, I am a cool and not funny guy. More over an egoist. But like the funny things. Nature is sensitive.
As my father was a govt employee, our family had to shift to other place which is 3 hrs drive from our native place. I did my 3rd standard in my native and from 4th onwards in the new place (of course now it is old for me).
I loved a girl who sits in the first row and gives answers tukk tukk…..for each question asked by the teacher. I used to observe that girl’s activities and each moment. One day I came to know that she was my teacher’s daughter. That’s it. Tunggg…Jil Jil Jingania…..:-).
But I didn’t even talk to her at least a single word, maybe I would have feared that time.
My mom tried to join me in Govt School after coming to other place. There the teacher did not accept me as a 4th standard boy. Even she asked my mom to join me in 1st standard again, she doesn’t know about the state rowdy (its me only).I thought of banging her back. Shhh… was there (I afraid of mom, she was the only one who kept me in control).I said myself “Control….control…” and kept quiet, it was teacher’s luck, she survived that day.
Mom said no, and then what was the way forward? Teacher advised my mom to join me in a convent so that I can get 4th standard certificate from the convent and join again in the govt school for 5th standard. With that suggestion, mom joined me in Krishi convent.
That was miserable phase in my life (Krishi convent). I didn’t know even ABCD, but they expected a lot of English from me as I was a 4th standard boy. Teacher kept on hitting me like anything with the stick, sometimes with the long scale, not only in the hand, she asks to turn my hand and then hit on my fingers, abbo… much pain:-(,……This is how I learnt English.
After successfully completing my 4th class, I joined the same govt school that I told you earlier. Here i was the leader. Nobody knows ABCD except me…..ha…ha…:-).
I used to write names of the students who were talking and making noise in the class when teacher was not there. After that teacher will come and call those students by name and punish them. All the students were under my control and I was the boss.
I had a love in this class too. She was from rich family and so beautiful that I can’t compare. Super physic……wow (jil jil jiga….). Very calm and intelligent in the class among girls.
I never spoke to her as again I was a boy of ego and inferiority complex and that too boss of the class.
After that I joined in a co-education govt high school. Later I heard that she discontinued her education. It was heartbroken news for me. Dev….DevD…..Devdas. (I don’t know who is this guy, but heard people saying good comparison for this kind of situation).
in my 6th class, I came to know that what the competition was and how. Here we had competition between boys and girls, but always boys first in the class (by the way i was not the first ranker…..:-)).I was an average student in the class.
Here also I found one beautiful girl (Of course beautiful for me as she was my love) who sits in the first row of the class and one of the toppers among the girls too. One teacher was there who taught us social subject, he used to scare us. I remember his words “Hey guys, girls are like electricity, if you touch them that’s it, you will be no more”, these words really injected into my mind and was getting fear whenever a girl reaches to me, and I never talked to any girl in the class even though it was co-education school. I just passed in first class in my 7th standard. I got 44 marks in maths, I still remember as it was my scary subject and I got less marks. Telugu was my favorite language from 6th class onwards and used to get first mark always.
10th class is my life turning point. I joined a tuition where I got good idea about maths subject and lost my fear in that subject.
Maths teacher was same from 7th to 10th class in that high school. He astonished to see the first mark for me in 3rd month exams (10th). He asked me to wake up and stand to see my face (till then nobody knows about me as I was a descent, calm going boy). He asked the class members to give me a big hand (claps). I started my journey from then onwards. Till then I was in a well. Still I kept on observing that girl in the front row, but no talks, it was a kind of dumb love….he…he, its mine. Everybody (even head master) expected me School first in 10th public exams, but got the second class (So different….ha ha.), Got 95 in maths and 99 in Science (my favorite subject).
I joined in residential college with M.P.C (Maths, Physics, and Chemistry) as per my father’s request. Actually I thought of joining in Bi.P.C (Biology, Physics, and Chemistry) as I got good marks in that subject (10th).
Only 3 girls were there in that institute for 60 odd boys. Too bad ……:-). Those 3 girls also one is in black, another is handicapped and another one is without flesh (very thin).
I got 3rd rank in the class and joined in Engineering.
Same story continued here also. All most all my classmates were from rich background and English medium. I was scared initially and felt so inferiority complex even talk to others. Here also I loved a girl who sits in the second bench (first bench was always vacant) and was class first always in all exams.
4 yrs went very silently and no much interaction between us. I got scared even to talk to her as I still have those words in my mind told by social master in my school. That lady was from a rich family and I have so much dependency with my family. Finally I lost my love. She married a guy from abroad and settled there itself.
I joined a small job to survive myself and family……:-). Still dreams are chasing me like…. Ok, I can’t…. :-).

My message to the world
Please ignore the statements which are linked with love, infact you can say, that is attraction or infatuation. I am sure, everybody’s life will have this kind of love. But in some cases it will become true. I may be intelligent in studies, but not so expressive. I am very poor in presenting the things. Not all people can express their interest to their beloved ones. Main reason for this could be the ego, family nature, responsibilities, environment and the level of risk taking. If you conquer all these, you will be the greatest (forget about achieving noble prize and all, noble prize may give you fame but not the feel of joy and happiness in your life).
*If god asks me about my last wish in this life, I would ask for death of peace for human beings, this is almost impossible for a human being. (Again a dream, yeah without these we can’t drive our lives ……:-)).

The guy, who li(o)ves in his dreams….:-)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My letter to the god

Dear oh my GOD,
I am one of the souls in your creation. Your Generation is really amazing. I have a little concern about your Operations and Destroying the things in this universe.

Hey GOD, my straight questions to you.
“Why are you creating people with sorrows?” and “why are you creating physically challenged ones?”. Please answer these 2 questions.

“Tomorrow never dies, this is fine but why you are killing my yesterday”, I want my yesterday also immortal. Could you please make it? I know you will not.
I am a small creature in this universe with limited life time. But in reality only ¼ th of the life time I can enjoy the nature. Child hood, Sleep, facing the problems, passing them,….etc will consume 3/4th of the life time.
This creation is according to you only, we don’t know the reason why you gave very less life time to the humans (Don’t compare with small animals which are having even very less life time…..I am comparing mind maturity with life time, Even though the human being is intelligent animal on this earth, it is impossible for him/her to increase his/her life span with his/her intelligence, it is useless in this case)
You created human beings and you know their activities, each and every activity that they are doing and you only are making them to do those activities then why the mistakes are happening and why the problems and sorrows are coming into picture in human life?

But still I love you because you have given the life to my soul. Other wise I couldn’t have seen this beautiful world.

I like the dancing peacock in rain start
I like the flow of water through the forest, hills and valleys
I like the smiling face of an innocent baby.
I like the birds singing in forest especially Mina (koila).
I like the sparrows that use to live in our hut.
I like the stories that my grand mother told
I like the rain bow that comes before raining.
I like the breeze that comes from flower buds in the early morning and evenings.
I like the sun rise
I like the waves coming from the middle of the see
I like the moon light on full moon day.
I like the fishing in a river with my father and brother
I like the games (kites, goli, ball, koti kommachi, gilli karra, skipping…so many) that I played with friends
I like the movies that I saw with my dad & brother.
I like the girl that I first hated.


I thought that you would have given same kind of life to everybody, but why are you so cruel in doing so.

I saw a small kid running for food, I saw another kid begging for water. I even saw a kid died of hungry & thirsty.

A little boy of below 10 yrs with no flesh in his body (only bones were appearing) was trying to have some water, as there is scarcity of water in that area, the boy dig the earth and having that mud water. He was almost died of hunger and thirst, on the other hand one vulture was watching from 2 meters away from him and awaiting his death. What a pathetic situation it was?

What kind of Operating and destroying that you are doing? What is wrong with those innocent kids, I thought of seeing smile in their faces, instead they are getting destroyed by you. Why the hell (not the heaven) that you created them?

I am a small piece on this earth, I don’t know how many people are suffering from lack of food & water. If you are not able to provide them the food and water, Please don’t create such souls.

I don’t understand why you are creating blind people. They are also human beings and want to enjoy your nature. Among all other handicapped people, these are the people who can’t see the nature and their surroundings. Everything is dark for them and they don’t even know how they look like, so pity.

*A human being for them is as if you are for the human beings.

Oh God, Please show some mercy on blind people.

Yours loving soul,


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Do you....?

I will agree that democracy in India works well. By the way I am not a politician.

But I can give my comments on it as I am a proud Indian.

I could see lot of money floating during the election season in india.That money is of politicians. That is to throw dog biscuits to the poor people to attract them to get the votes. Vote is losing its value. know what? I can’t compare this thing with any other in this world. World is rotating around this money. Not only poor and uneducated people's minds, it captures or attracts even educated people. It has become Weakness of human being.

Politicians are playing with this weakness. Not all politicians, But most of them.

So the procedure has to be changed to elect a person or persons before putting 1Billion people's lives in their hands.

Please provide your way of electing the right people in India....Please, do u?

I am awaiting the day to see innocent smiling faces, not to see the thirsty and hungry people in India.

When will it come………………?

My Dear,

Do u make this happen.....?