Monday, August 31, 2009

Change required......

One day myself and my friend walking on the foot path after having our dinner in jayanagar 4th block,bangalore. It was about 10pm on the week end. We saw a guy begging for money to have his food. He was ignored and my friend gave him Rs.100/- note. I got angry on my friend for doing such a stupid thing and we started walking towards our vehicle. I asked him 'why did you do this?'.He replied ‘He is hungry. So i helped him’.'What? ??Do you think all other people are stupids?' I asked. He replied 'I don’t like to see the people suffering without food, so helped'. Mean while in this conversation again we looked back to that guy, he was going into a bar'...I know he has already drunk so much and was asking for money to have more. I scold him and said 'because of you he is going to drink more today and will become more drunken'.
My friend started convincing himself saying 'I don’t know whether that guy is a drinker or not. But he was asking money for food. I thought the 100 rupees note will fetch him some food and he will be happy."
I said ‘there are 90% chances that these kind of beggars on the road side are drinkers. I know that. That’s why i kept quiet when he asked for money'.
He started 'Yes, But there are 10% beggars who really are suffering from lack of food, If this guy falls under this 10% category, he will really suffer a lot. I don't want these people suffer for food.'
I remembered in some telugu novel the writer had explained same situation. I thought he would have followed the same.
There is a famous proverb, we can leave 100 thieves without punishing, but we should not punish an innocent one
I kept quiet.
I don’t know how these road side drinking beggars will change their attitude. Who will change them?
There are another kind of beggars, kids…..small kids . They will beg and get the money and make begging as their hobby. What to do………….what to do????
Is there any way, friends….dejected?

1 comment:

  1. Well, you cannot do much about them. Just your judgment during these situations. I usually give alms to only crippled and old beggars.
