Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Good or Bad

What is good? What is bad? As a reader you can say this article is good if you like it otherwise bad,
If you consider someone who hates reading articles, he will say this is bad. But someone who really have interest in reading books or articles and explore more will say good……..:-).(Also my frds).
I am going to apply Einstein’s theory to these words. Yes, they are relative to the people and environment they are living.
Most of the kids like ice cream and chocolates but most of the old people do not.
Americans like pizza and burgers but Indians do not.
If you ask some opinion about a latest ice cream to the kids they will say ‘good’ but if you ask the same to old people they will say ‘bad’.
If you ask about the taste of pizza and burger Americans say they are good but Indians say rice or roti are good.
Giving money to a beggar who is feeling hungry, good thing in one’s mind. In some other’s perspective it is not good to give money to a beggar as they feel like encouraging the beggar to beg.
So there are so many things like this. There is no common reference for all the people to decide whether the thing is good or bad and whether they are following good or bad. So much of confusion, isn’t it….enough.
So what I am trying to say is, taking a good decision in any aspect will depend on the people’s perspective and the environment. I am not saying my article good but not bad as well……….:-)
